• Absolutely! We see clients using a HIPAA compliant online platform. This way we can connect securely and easily from anywhere.

  • We do not accept insurance. We accept electronic payment with every major credit card via Stripe.

  • We have a 24-hour canceling/rescheduling policy. If you miss your appointment or you cancel/change the appointment less than 24-hours in advance, you won’t be able to make up that appointment.

  • Yes, payment plans are available upon request.

  • The balance will be paid in full before the initial assessment appointment or in monthly installments if a payment plan was agreed upon.

  • A 10% of the program cost ("deposit") is nonrefundable. It is my sincere hope you will complete the program in its entirety. If personal circumstances arise where you cannot continue this program, a prorated refund will be issued based on the number of sessions remaining and the amount you have paid at that point if the program was not paid in full.

  • Absolutely! All meal plans are entirely customized to your dietary needs and preferences.

  • Please book a complimentary discovery call HERE to ask any questions you have and ensure our services are right for you.